Champions for Achieving Better Health in Sheffield (CABS) addresses the health needs of South Asian taxi drivers in Sheffield. It focus on 3 key areas: •Men •BME group •An occupational group Please click here to view the full report.
Tag Archives: Health inequalities
Keeping Warm In Later Life (KWILLT)
On average there are 25,100 excess winter deaths every year in England, the majority occurring in those over 65. A Rotherham partnership of NHS, Local Authority, voluntary sector and charitable organisations collaborated on KWILLT to identify the factors that influence older vulnerable people in keeping warm and well in winter. The findings indicated that knowledge and awareness of safe temperatures and how to use heating […]
Health Inequalities in South Yorkshire
The Health Inequalities Theme of the South Yorkshire CLAHRC has spent five years investing in, and leading, projects which seek to understand and act against the differing and unequal health issues facing our region’s population. From evaluating a breastfeeding peer support service in Barnsley to researching the barriers to cardiac care amongst the South Asian […]
Health Inequalities Project Casebook 2008-2012

The purpose of this Casebook is to share with a wide audience of colleagues – in local authorities, the NHS and the third sector – a number of inspiring examples of projects in South Yorkshire that have contributed to tackling Health Inequalities. Please click here to view the casebook.