‘Making Every Contact Count’ (MECC) is a long term strategy that aims to create a healthier population who are able to experience increased levels of wellbeing and a greater tendency to take control over their own health, wellbeing and general lifestyle choices. This report describes the development, implementation and evaluation of an innovative locally tailored […]
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The use of telemedicine for remote health care provision in care home settings
Research has shown that older adults who reside in care homes can experience challenges in accessing the healthcare that they need. A rapidly developing and increasingly popular method of delivering health care is videoconferencing, which has shown some promise in addressing some of these challenges. The aim of this project was to set out a […]
New Migrants in Primary Healthcare – How are services adapting? Summary and Mini Case Book
INTRODUCTION High rates of immigration in recent years in the United Kingdom presents service design and delivery challenges to primary care. At a time when resources are stretched, services must be both efficient and equitable for patients. Migrants are often healthy on arrival but some groups, such as refugees and asylum seekers, may have many […]
Keeping Warm In Later Life project
KWILLT aimed to: Examine the knowledge, beliefs and values of older people regarding keeping warm at home Identify the barriers older people experience that prevent the accessing help in keeping Please click here to view the full project.
Warm Well Families
Please click here to view the full PDF version. The Warm Well Families project aimed to explore factors influencing the abilities of households with children with asthma to keep warm at home in winter. Please click here to view the website.