The evaluation focused on the training effect – whether there was any change in knowledge, skills, attitudes and practice. The barriers to ward based e-learning and the resource use costs for the stroke rehabilitation ward were also identified. The methods were a scoping review of the literature, collecting data from 66 hour of focussed observation of dysphagia management before and after the study sessions; […]
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Patient and Public Involvement in Stoke Research
Stroke research tries to improve things for people who have strokes. Research can help save lives, prevent stroke and make sure that stroke survivors make the best recovery possible. Stroke researchers want to involve patients and the public in research to find out what the important issues are, what questions need answering and how best to communicate with the public. Patient and public involvement means that […]
Interdisciplinary Management Tool (IMT)
This workbook has been designed to help members of interdisciplinary health and social care teams to reflect on the performance of their team and explore the latest evidence related to how interdisciplinary teams work best. the aim is that through reflecting on performance and bench marking against available evidence, that teams are able to both […]
Improving stroke unit quality in South Yorkshire
Researchers from the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for South Yorkshire wanted to explore people’s experiences of stroke unit care in light of these changes and find out what aspects of stroke unit care still need improving. We explored the perspectives of a range of stakeholders including stroke patients, their relatives or carers and staff that work on the stroke units. Please click here to […]
‘CACTUS Aphasia Research Group’ CLAHRC SY PPI Workshop, 2nd March 2011, The Source, Sheffield
CACTUS (Cost effectiveness of Computer Assisted Treatment vs Usual Stimulation) is a small scale research project to test whether ongoing therapy, delivered using specially developed software, can help stroke survivors with aphasia improve their speech and language skills. “She’s had her stroke 30 years and she’s never strung a sentence together. It was quite nice […]