Research suggests that many people in the UK at risk of recessive conditions linked to consanguinity have poor or no understanding on which to make informed decisions and commonly have little or no contact with genetics services (Darr, 1999). Recent years have seen growing recognition among health and social care practitioners, service commissioners, as well […]
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The health effects of welfare rights advice and welfare benefits: a critical review
This paper reports a further review of evidence from 2006 to 2010. The evidence continue strongly to show financial benefits, less strongly, mental health benefits, and very weakly, physical benefits. For those commissioning health care there is sufficient evidence to justify consideration of the intervention for those likely to be under-claiming or not claiming benefits. Those undertaking research into […]
Responding to increased genetic risk associated with consanguineous marriage
Consanguineous marriage – the practice of marrying close blood relatives, commonly cousins – is customary in many cultures, offering significant social and economic benefits. In the UK, cousin marriage is found occasionally among the majority White British population, but is more common and often preferred among a number of minority ethnic populations; the largest being […]
Mapping and Evaluation of Consanguinity Data Held on Patients across Sheffield Children’s Hospital Services
Consanguineous marriage – the practice of marrying close relatives, commonly cousins – is a common practice in many cultures offering significant social and economic benefits. However, this practice increases the risk of recessive genetic disorders because closely related individuals are more likely to carry the same abnormal genes than unrelated people. Please click here to view full report.
Keynote, Action Research Masterclass
On Thursday 26 July, UCHD in collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Yorkshire and Humber Research Society were very pleased to welcome Professor Brendan McCormack to the Robert Winston building at Sheffield Hallam University’s Collegiate Crescent campus where he conducted a Masterclass in Action Research. The event was attended by […]