This website is designed to help you to use design thinking and methods to improve health and social care services. The website introduces our approach to health and social care service design and has a database of methods that you might use in your projects. It has been refined through research funded by the United Kingdom National […]
Resources for users choosing... | I am a researcher
Open Design and Medical Products; 3D printing and Cystic Fibrosis
Using open source design, a community of people who live with cystic fibrosis was created who meet online to collaboratively design medical products from their own lived experience. The project is linked to the Cystic Fibrosis ward at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, as well as encompassing participants from around the UK and North America. This method allows people typically barred from collaborative […]
Better Services By Design (BSBD)
As the final case study in User-Centred Healthcare Design’s (UCHD) programme of work we were keen to see how others in Health and Social Care might apply our methods to their own service improvement work. We have therefore supported two teams to use design methods to make innovative service changes. Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council Public Health Team have designed an intervention to improve the […]